Triple-A Team


Yogyakarta Urban Development Project Phase III (1996 - 1997)

Category : Strategis infrastructure planning
Periods : January 1996 - December 1997
Location : Urban Area of the Special Province Yogyakarta  (DIY)

Service Provider :Electrowatt Infra Ltd.
Project Value :....
Funding : Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)

Clients : Directorate General Cipta Karya of the Ministry of Public Works of Indonesia, Provincial and local government in DIY Province
Consortium Partners : PT. Hasfarm Dian Konsultan, Jakarta, PT. Larona SE, Triple-A team
Staff Provided : 8 person (90 manmoth) expatriate and Ind. Expratiat , 150 manmoth of profesional staff provided by Associated Firm

Background & Objective :
Background. The implementation of the medium-term investment program formulated during YUDP I and II was nearing completion. At the same time, the necessary instruments – development strategies and master plans – were completed during YUDP II. Still, however, there were serious doubts as to whether these achievements can be sustained over the long -term, especially amid the continued emergence of new challenges brought about by rapid urbanization. Urban poverty and urban infrastructure deficits continued to persist. The quality and supporting capacity of the urban environment were declining as a result of population pressure and the concentration of economic activities in urban areas. There were strong indications that the urban infrastructure gap was widening, especially affecting the poor, who, to start with always had limited access to basic infrastructure and social services. In the meanwhile, the institutional capability and financial capacity of the government continued to shrink relative to the magnitude of the required infrastructure.
There was thus the urgent need to improve government efficiency and effectiveness, promote social solidarity and private partnership in development to support government initiatives, and strengthen the community’s self-sufficiency in the provision of housing and community-based infrastructure.
YUDP III was therefore conceived to ensure the sustainability of the achievements of YUDP I and II by focusing on the urban management support functions of institutional development, human resources development and development of instruments and resources. An equally important aim was to bring the private sector and the community into the mainstream of development and, in partnership with the government, encourage them to become co-responsible for the provision of essential public services.
Objectives.The objectives of YUDP III were:

  • Streamline the structures of local government organizations and create appropriate/adequate institutional setups for new functions.
  • Improve the competencies of local government personnel, especially urban managers, in the application and subsequent update of the urban management instruments that had already been developed.
  • Develop/procure and install hardware and software that are needed by local government agencies in performing the six urban management key functions of strategy formulation, long-term planning, medium-term programming, project implementation, operation and maintenance, and monitoring and evaluation.

Service Provided :
Technical assistance was provided to local governments in the following areas:

  • Application of the urban development strategy
  • Provision of urban information services
  • Preparation for the joint implementation of the ‘next generation’ PJM by the government, the community, and the private sector.


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