Triple-A Team

About Us

Triple-A Team is an international multi-disciplinary team of planners, architects, engineers,  economists, financial analysts, sociologists, geographers and GIS experts. The Triple-A Team provide strategic consulting services, project management, spatial master planning, infrastructure investment programming, institutional reform and capacity building, post-disaster damage assessment, recovery and reconstruction.

Triple-A Concept 
Triple-A is an abbreviation of Atlas, Agenda, Aturan-main, which are three practical tools to address urban development in a regional context:
          - Systematic Atlases (GIS-based analysis of development potential based on relevant facts, trends, underlying factors);
          - Multi-stakeholder Agendas (mutual synergies, joint strategies, synchronized action plans, investment programs based on Atlas); 
          - Aturan-main (='Rules-of-the-game' for Agenda implementation). 
The Triple-A tools are used to systematically address cultural, social, economic and environmental challenges, and to synchronize multi-stakeholder interventions in development of space, infrastructure and management. 

Users are municipal, provincial and national governments, private businesses and investors, and non-government organizations. 

Clients include ADB, World Bank, UNDP, Swisscontact, AusAID, GTZ (BMZ), SDC, Swiss Red Cross, German Red Cross, Partners for Water, HCC