Triple-A Team

Semarang Pesona Asia

Semarang Pesona Asia (Mid June - October 2007


Category : Business Development
Periods : Mid June – mid August 2007, 22 – 27 October 2007
Location : Semarang City, Jateng Province, Indonesia
Service Provider : Bappeda of Semarang City, Indonesia
Project Value
Funding : APBD Semarang City
Clients : Local Government Semarang City, Indonesia
Consortium Partners :
Staff Provided : 7 person

Description of The Project :

Background :

  • The City of Semarang will organize a one-week event with the theme ‘Semarang Pesona Asia’ to promote the development potential and investment climate of the city in a regional context. The regional context covers the area of Kedungsepur. The event is planned from 10-15 August 2007, and will include a one-day ‘business meeting’.
  • The City of Semarang intends to undertaken a Mission to China which is tentatively planned for 22 – 27 October 2007. The event is viewed as an opportunity to promote the development potential and investment climate of the City of Semarang, of its hinterland of Kedungsepur, and of its City Networking including Medan, Batam, Palembang, Tangerang, Surabaya, Makassar and Balikpapan. The expected target groups in China include national, provincial and municipal authorities and potential business investors.

The objectives of the ‘business meeting’ are:

  • Promotion of Semarang’s economic development potential;
  • Mobilization of entrepreneurs, potential investors and donors;
  • Enhancement of enabling environment to do business in Semarang.

The objective of Semarang ‘s Mission to China are : ­

  • Promotion of Semarang’s economic development potential ­
  • Mobilization of entrepreneurs, potential investors and donors. ­
  • Presentation of Semarang’s competitiveness compared to other locations

Services Provided:
The service provided of the ‘business meeting’ are:

  • Preparation of a comprehensive Atlas of Semarang’s economic development potential and constraints, based on up-to-date readily available data. The Atlas will be a public document that serves as a common source of information for business sector, community and government. The content of the Atlas will be an economic development profile, the spatial context, infrastructure facilities and services, and the legal and regulatory framework.

The service provided of Semarang ‘s Mission to China are:

  • Prepare presentation material for the Regional Secretary
  • Prepare summary of Economic Development Atlas of the City of Semarang

Products :

  • ATLAS Potensi Ekonomi Semarang Metropolitan 2007
  • Excecutive Summary : Economic Potential ATLAS Of Metropolitan Semarang 2007
  • Economic Development Potential of Semarang

If you would like to know more, please contact us or  or send email to